This lunch bag flip by Craftpassion looks more like a casual handbag that you’d pair up with a nice pair of comfy jeans than a clunky lunch box. Nicely done and beginner friendly!
Download: Lunch Box Bag Pattern
Make: 1
1. Fabric, for bag – 10 1/2″ x 19″
2. Interfacing (medium weight) – 10 1/2″ x 19″
3. Fabric, for lining – 10 1/2″ x 19″
4. Fabric, for drawstring cover – 2 pcs. of 10 1/2″ x 6″
5. Fabric, for handles – 2 pcs of 3″ x 14″, or use webbing tape 3/4″ width 2 pcs of 14″
6. Drawstring cord, 2 pcs of 24″
7. Drawstring beads or stopper, 2 pcs. optional.
1. Sewing machine
2. Sewing kits
3. Pencil or Erasable fabric marker
4. Ruler
5. Scissors or roller cutter
6. Cord threader
7. Iron
Seam Allowance: 5/16″ (included in the pattern), otherwise as indicate.
Skill Level
Confident Beginner