For Hazel, I chose a regular cotton knit (sleeves/neck), medium weight, and paired it with the striped cotton knit, that’s really thin and rather slinky. I was a little worried that it might be a bit difficult to work with, but it wasn’t too bad, and overall worked out well. This was a 4T, and it fits great!
Can you tell by her expression? She loves this shirt!
Oscar’s shirt is a regular cotton knit, medium weight for the sleeves, cuffs and neckline, paired with a cotton waffle-y knit for the front and back of the shirt. The white fabric reminds me of Long John fabric. I really loved the idea of pairing the regular knit with a textured one. This turned out to be a great shirt! Oscar got a 3T, since he’ll be 3 in a few months.
He loves his shirt too.
I’m all for keepin’ it real, so… When I was sewing Oscar’s shirt, and pinning the sleeve to the shirt, I realized that I must have sewn one of the sleeves right sides together, and the other sleeve wrong sides together, cause they ended-up being the same, which in some cases wouldn’t matter, but here, the back of the sleeve needs to be longer to match-up with the back of the shirt. I didn’t feel like re-cutting one sleeve and cuff, so I added a piece and re-cut just the upper portion of the sleeve, for the correct shape. Here’s the back of that sleeve. Luckily it was the back and not the front, little less noticeable. Thank goodness this knit doesn’t seem to have a really noticeable “right” or “wrong” sides to it.
And there it is. Can’t wait to sew up this pattern again!